Mobile Reflexology practice in Holbrook, Chelmondiston, Shotley, Ipswich and the surrounding area.
Are you feeling stressed, anxious or low? If so why not try Mindful reflexology, the only way to know if reflexology will work for you is to try it. A research study found that reflexology profoundly reduced the state of anxiety. The reduction was consistent with 'an increased feeling of ease and a reduction in anxiety.'
A.J. McVicar et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2007 VOL 13; NUMBER 3, page(s) 137-145
My name is Caroline Baxter and in 2022 I started working as a mobile reflexologist after leaving the NHS. I have worked for the NHS for the past 36 years. I started my career with my nurse training in 1986, I worked as a nurse for a couple of years after qualifying and then decided to convert to Midwifery in 1991. I worked as a midwife for 29 years, the last few as a diabetes specialist midwife. It has been an amazing career.
I decided to leave the NHS but did not feel ready to retire so I decided to retrain as a Reflexologist. I feel that all this experience of working as a health professional for all of my adult life will give me a good grounding for understanding my client's needs both physically and mentally.
I gained my ITEC Diploma in Reflexology at distinction level and have a full membership with the Association of Reflexologists. I also have completed the ITEC certificate in Indian Head Massage which I also offer.
I am compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), any information I keep about my clients is kept in a secure place and no one else has access to it.
Reflexology is a natural therapy founded on the belief that your feet and hands are a reflection of the systems in your body - where specific areas correspond to organs, glands and structure. By applying gentle pressure to areas of the feet or hands a Reflexologist can help the body restore its own healthy balance.
Reflexology aims to treat the individual as a whole, creating a state of harmony in both body and mind. It has the benefit of also being a deeply relaxing therapy, and during periods of relaxation the body takes the opportunity to heal, restore and energise itself.
Reflexology is a wonderful way of maintaining your body's healthy balance and general wellbeing, reducing the stresses and tensions that come with busy lifestyles and giving us a space to reflect on the mind as well as the body.
I am offering Reflexology and Indian Head Massage as a mobile service in the Holbrook, Chelmondiston, Shotley and Ipswich areas.
I am happy to travel further but would negotiate an extra fee depending on distance.
For the reflexology treatment I will bring my Lafuma reclining chair to your home. I will go through a consultation form on the first appointment, looking at medical history and any areas that may be causing you concern. If you do have any medical issues, I would like to speak to you prior to the appointment to ensure there are no contra-indications to you having reflexology.
Reflexology is a gentle technique, applying pressure to certain areas of your hands or feet can produce an effect in other parts of your body. It is deeply relaxing and aims to rebalance the body systems.
Benefits of Reflexology include:
Reflexology treatments can be given once a week/ month or as required.
This is also a very relaxing technique; I can do this while you are sitting in a low backed chair and it includes a massage of the upper back and shoulders, arms head and face.
Indian head massage can also:
I have been trained by Sally Earlham in Maternity reflexology and with my previous experience as a midwife for 29 years I am really happy to be able to offer this lovely relaxing treatment of Maternity/pregnancy reflexology which is safe to have at any stage of pregnancy and postnatally too.
Benefits of Reflexology include:
At your appointment I would go through a consultation form asking you about your medical and pregnancy history and then I get you comfortable in my reclining chair if you are in you first trimester .If you are in the second or third trimester I would ensure you are comfy on your settee with your feet on a stall or on your bed sat up well supported by pillows as it is safer not to lie you too flat . I will offer you a lovely eye-mask to wear if you would like to help you relax even more and then give you a treatment specific to any particular requirements you may have working on areas of concern for you. I can also show you some hand reflexology that you can do in between appointments. After 37 weeks of pregnancy, I can give treatments that will aim to help prepare you for the birth and Postnatally your treatment will be adapted again specific to your needs.
If you would like more information please feel free to contact me and I will answer any questions or concerns .
There has been research done looking at effects of Reflexology in pregnancy. Research showed reflexology in pregnancy Significantly reduced pain during labour.(1,3); Reduced the length of the first stage of labour (1); Improved quality of sleep in post-natal women(2) ;Shorter second stage for women with low back pain or pelvic girdle pain (6 x
weekly reflexology) (4)
1. VALIANI M ET AL (2010) Reviewing the effect of Reflexology on pain and outcomes of the
labour of primiparous women. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 15(Dec)P302-310
2. LI C-Y ET AL (2011) Randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of using foot
reflexology to improve quality of sleep amongst post-partum women. Midwifery. 27. p181-
3. Iran Red Crescent Med J 2011; 13(7):475-479 ©Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal.
Auricular reflexology has evolved from Auricular therapy and Ear Acupuncture. There are records throughout history of the ears being worked on for health and wellbeing in many countries and cultures, this includes Ancient China, India, Greece and Europe. Modern auricular reflexology is based on TCM and work done in the mid to late 20th Century by doctors including Dr Paul Nogier.
The ear is a miniature representation of the body and maps have been developed over time similar to foot and face maps showing the location of the organs and body systems .The western auricular maps are influenced by TCM and acupuncture points. By application of finger pressure and gentle massage to the reflexes it may bring about a response in the corresponding area of the body.
Auricular reflexology can be given as a stand alone treatment or alongside Reflexology or IHM.
I give the treatment with my client laying in the Lafuma reclining chair. I first assess the ears, clean the ears with a small sterile swab and then begin the treatment.
If the client had a specific issue I would pay extra attention to their individual needs and plan a treatment accordingly.
I am able to apply ear seeds if the client wishes. These can be used for specific needs. The ear seed is placed on the reflex on the specific to clients needs, the idea is that the client presses the seed between 3-5 times a day to bring about a response.
Ear seeds I use are from the vaccaria plant and come ready placed on a clear tape (hypoallergenic), I also use Tourmaline seeds. I would give advice at the time on what to do. Ear seeds are generally safe and non- invasive.
The use of Hot and Cold stones in Reflexology can bring about a new level of relaxation.
Research suggests that heat and massage applications provide relaxation to autonomic Nervous System without adverse effects. The heat from the stones penetrates 5 times deeper into the muscles than traditional reflexology giving a longer lasting effect of the treatment.I would always recommend a client has a traditional reflexology treatment first before having Hot and Cold stones so that I am aware of their preferences of a treatment.
As I am working as a mobile reflexologist I use a Vulsini bag keep them at a constant heat. I heat it up prior to the appointment but will need to plug it in at clients home to control the heat of the stones for the treatment.
The Hot stones are Basalt which hold the heat well and cold stones are Marine stones which naturally holds cool temperature. I keep the Marine stones in a cool bag.
The cool stones are great for relieving pain caused by inflammation.
I would begin a treatment with warming up the legs using warm stones and then use the stones on the feet massaging over the bottom of the foot. I then put small hot stones between the toes, wrap the feet in a towel and put a hot stone under the Achilles area of the ankle.
I would then work over each foot using the hot stones to warm up reflexes and work on the reflexes with my stones or my fingers depending on the clients preference.
A treatment can be done with a mixture of hot stones and finger walking or totally using the Hot and cold stones.
If a client has a pain somewhere in the body that would benefit from heat or cold directly on that area of the body then I can put a stone directly under that area for the duration of the reflexology.
A Hot and cold stone treatment is a longer treatment of 90 minutes but I am happy to offer Hot stones to complement a standard reflexology treatment.
Reflexology For Menopause
Menopause is a natural part of the aging process due to hormonal changes that normally occurs between the ages of 45-55. The transition can take around 4 years and there are many symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause.
This is a time in a woman’s life where a bit more support is needed and I have completed an advanced course in Reflexology and the Menopause so am able to provide a lovely reflexology treatment aimed at helping relaxation and can be tailored to your specific menopause journey.
I am empathic as have my own experiences of the menopause and can give guidance and information on menopause if required.
Reflexology can be used alongside medication and lifestyle changes.
I use a lovely Menopause blend reflexology balm for the treatment which contains clary sage and geranium which are recognised to for their effectiveness with menopausal symptoms due to hormone balancing properties.(It also smells lovely).
I am offering a longer treatment for clients who need that little bit extra time.
If you would like to talk about your symptoms and how reflexology might help you then please feel free to contact me and I can call you back at a convenient time.
Drink plenty of water
Rest and relax
Avoid alcohol and smoking
Avoid stimulants such tea and coffee
Reflexology 1 hour Treatment £45
30 mins Indian Head Massage/30 minutes Reflexology £45
1 hour Reflexology/30 minutes Indian Head Massage £65
Auricular Reflexology 1hour £45
Auricular 30 minutes/Indian Head Massage 30 minutes £45
Reflexology (foot) 1 hour/Auricular reflexology 30 minutes £65
Hot and Cold stones reflexology 90 minutes £65
Maternity reflexology 1 hour £45
Maternity reflexology 75 minutes £55
Menopause Reflexology 1 hour £45
Menopause Reflexology 75 minutes £55
Gift vouchers available.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how mobile Reflexology works, the services I offer to or arrange an appointment.
You can also call me on 07413580349 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.
©2023 Caroline Baxter
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